1. I get up at six thirty in the morning on weekdays. But on Saturadey and Sunday and when I am on holidays I try to sleep longer. 2. When I get out of my bed I open cutains and do my morning exercises. It takes me about 7 to 10 minutes and then I go to the shower. 3. I have my breakfast at 7 o'clock. Usually I have a sandwich and a cup of coffee. I can't eat much in the morning. Sometimes I drink orange juice. 4. After breakfast I get dressed. It takes me about 40 minutes. And at about 8 o'clock I leave for school. 5. I live not far from school. So, I walk there. It takes me about 10 minutes to get to school. 6. I have a couple of friends at school. We spend much time together. Of course I would like to sit next to them. But our teachers make their own decision on how we should sit. 7. My classes finish at about 3 o'clock. After school I go for a walk with my friends and then go home for lunch. Usually I come home at about 4 o'clock. 8. If the weather is bad we don't walk and I go straight home. So, sometimes I come home half an hour earlier. 9. As soon as I get home I change, wash my hands and have lunch. I love eating soup for lunch. After lunch I do my homework. 10. We have many subjects at school and I have a lot of things to do. Every day I spend about 2 or 3 hours doing my homework. 11. As soon as it's done I am free and can watch television. Most of all I like different shows and serials. Usually I watch TV for an hour and a half. I can't say that I am a big fan of TV. I like reading books more. 12. My favourite programs are "Wheel of Fortune", "Voice" and "Grimm". The first two are shows and the third one is a serial. 13. After this I meet my friends. Sometimes we watch TV together and then go for a walk or just chat. We see each other every day but always have something to talk about. 14. We go for a walk to the park which is not far from my house. It's a nice and large park with a lot of trees and bushes. It's very green and the air is very fresh there. 15. When I grow up I would like to have my own business connected with health and beauty. Maybe, a gym or a beauty shop. 16. I like sleeping very much. So, I try to go to bed not too late to feel ok next day. Usually I go to bed at 10 o'clock. 17. Before going to bed I have light dinner, then go to shower and read a book. And of course I talk to my parents and we discuss everything happened today.
Шоппинг: боль или наслаждение?Некоторые женщины включают в свой список покупок понравившийся деятельности. Мужчины традиционно ненавидят его. Вот то, что некоторые наши читатели думают. Айша, 32 1 любит шоппинг, но это зависит от того, кто я иду с. Пытаешься магазин с маленькими детьми-это кошмар! Я не люблю ходить по магазинам с мужем, потому что он всегда в спешке, или заботы о трате денег. Но шоппинг с друзьями-это весело, и мне нравится ходить на мои собственные тоже. Симон, 28 Я не очень люблю шопинг. На самом деле это боль! Я считаю, это стресс, потому что я всегда боюсь совершить ошибку. У меня есть коллекция ужасно 'ошибки' в задней части моего гардероба, которые я никогда не ношу! Но я не против идти со своей девушкой, потому что она мне выбрать. Я думаю, что женщины лучше в плане покупки одежды, чем мужчины. У них есть лучший вкус и они всегда знают что в моде. Иван, 30 Меня не интересует шоппинг у всех - на самом деле я его ненавижу. Моя жена покупает все мои вещи и приносит их домой. Я стараюсь на них и если они мне нравятся, я храню их. Если она не принимает их обратно. Выбирая вещи из каталогов и телевизионной коммерции-это единственный вид шопинга я получаю удовольствие. Роза, 24 Я люблю ходить по магазинам, но не в субботу или во время распродаж, когда магазины действительно многолюдно. Я предпочитаю шоппинг в одиночестве. Покупая вещи часто занимает меня долгое время, потому что я никогда не покупаю первое, что я вижу. Я всегда смотрю вокруг другие магазины, чтобы увидеть, если я могу найти то же самое дешевле. Я неплохо разбираюсь в поиске выгодной. Я ненавижу ходить по магазинам в крупных супермаркетах, и предпочитают покупать продукты питания в небольших магазинах или на уличных рынках.
2. When I get out of my bed I open cutains and do my morning exercises. It takes me about 7 to 10 minutes and then I go to the shower.
3. I have my breakfast at 7 o'clock. Usually I have a sandwich and a cup of coffee. I can't eat much in the morning. Sometimes I drink orange juice.
4. After breakfast I get dressed. It takes me about 40 minutes. And at about 8 o'clock I leave for school.
5. I live not far from school. So, I walk there. It takes me about 10 minutes to get to school.
6. I have a couple of friends at school. We spend much time together. Of course I would like to sit next to them. But our teachers make their own decision on how we should sit.
7. My classes finish at about 3 o'clock. After school I go for a walk with my friends and then go home for lunch. Usually I come home at about 4 o'clock.
8. If the weather is bad we don't walk and I go straight home. So, sometimes I come home half an hour earlier.
9. As soon as I get home I change, wash my hands and have lunch. I love eating soup for lunch. After lunch I do my homework.
10. We have many subjects at school and I have a lot of things to do. Every day I spend about 2 or 3 hours doing my homework.
11. As soon as it's done I am free and can watch television. Most of all I like different shows and serials. Usually I watch TV for an hour and a half. I can't say that I am a big fan of TV. I like reading books more.
12. My favourite programs are "Wheel of Fortune", "Voice" and "Grimm". The first two are shows and the third one is a serial.
13. After this I meet my friends. Sometimes we watch TV together and then go for a walk or just chat. We see each other every day but always have something to talk about.
14. We go for a walk to the park which is not far from my house. It's a nice and large park with a lot of trees and bushes. It's very green and the air is very fresh there.
15. When I grow up I would like to have my own business connected with health and beauty. Maybe, a gym or a beauty shop.
16. I like sleeping very much. So, I try to go to bed not too late to feel ok next day. Usually I go to bed at 10 o'clock.
17. Before going to bed I have light dinner, then go to shower and read a book. And of course I talk to my parents and we discuss everything happened today.