One of the largest bank robberies were committed by only two people. July 12, 1987 two unidentified men entered the bank, ostensibly to check their cells. Security reacted attentively to these visitors (not customers, after all), and the criminals were able to carry a gun. As a result, security has been neutralized, and the criminals hung a sign "Depositary temporarily closed," and began to line the pockets of values. Of course, it's a figure of speech, for 174 million dollars in any pockets will not fit.
1. Today, we learned as much English words as yesterday. 2. Tomorrow we will come to class earlier than usual. 3. Tomorrow is the big day. 4. I have much less time to read text than to translate it. 5. The lecture yesterday started not as early as usual. 6. Rostov University younger than MSU. 7. Our hostel is in the centre of the city is much older dormitories on the West. 8. Our new teacher is the youngest on the faculty. 9. The more I read the works of this writer, the more I like them. 10. The louder you shout, the less I understand you.