1) Hi, how are you at university? -Hi, all right. Want to finish it as soon as. 1) Why do you not study? Are you going to get a high education? -Of course not. I am not going to get a high education. I think it is waste of time. 1) Why do you think that it is waste of time? Where will you go without high education? -I think so because time, which I will spent on university I can use differently, for example find a job and get a wage. 1) Do you know, that high education gives you many advantages on work? -Yes, I know it. I haven't thought about this theme yet, but later I will know more about it, and now I must graduate from university and than time will tell.
Совет: Вот эти фразы: time will tell(время покажет), as soon as(вскоре), waste of time( пустая трата времени) очень полезные, постарайся их запомнить, они тебе пригодятся!)
Education is one of the main factors of personality development. Learning throughout life is a prerequisite for improving social status. The emphasis is not on teaching knowledge but on the development of individual skills and capacity of people to learn. I believe that it is necessary to learn throughout life, because knowledge quickly becomes obsolete, the world is constantly changing, so you need to constantly learn new skills. In our time many people believe that education is not the most important thing in human life, however, I am convinced of the opposite. It is impossible to get a good, profitable job, if the person did not know how, and if he has no education, because for every position there is always a competitor with a higher education, which, most likely will get the job. Therefore, I believe that it is necessary to get higher education and to evolve throughout life.
-Hi, all right. Want to finish it as soon as.
1) Why do you not study? Are you going to get a high education?
-Of course not. I am not going to get a high education. I think it is waste of time.
1) Why do you think that it is waste of time? Where will you go without high education?
-I think so because time, which I will spent on university I can use differently, for example find a job and get a wage.
1) Do you know, that high education gives you many advantages on work?
-Yes, I know it. I haven't thought about this theme yet, but later I will know more about it, and now I must graduate from university and than time will tell.
Вот эти фразы: time will tell(время покажет), as soon as(вскоре), waste of time( пустая трата времени) очень полезные, постарайся их запомнить, они тебе пригодятся!)