I really love the city of Semyonov because you can see many different sights, old buildings and monuments there. But I would like to devote my attention to the Museum of History and Art. The Semenovsky Museum of History and Art was founded in 1934 by the artist Georgy Petrovich Matveev. The exhibition halls of the museum were originally located in an old two-story building located on Matveev Street. In 1991, a two-story red brick mansion on ul. Vaneeva, built at the end of the 19th century and previously owned by the merchant-Old Believer Pyotr Petrovich Sharygin.
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Hi, everyone! My name is Olga, and I’m graduating from school this year. As for many teenagers, the choice of future career is a real challenge for me. There are so many jobs, so it’s rather difficult to make the right decision. Furthermore, I’m firmly convinced that the choice of future career is essential, and I don’t want to regret it for the rest of my life.
So I have been thinking about it for a long time. I have discussed it many times with my parents and closest friends, but I’m still a bit confused.
Firstly, I had a wish to do something I am keen on. I suppose turning your hobby into your future job is a great way one can become a successfulspecialist. I think I’m not bad at writing stories. I absolutely adore it! I can spend evenings thinking about the characters and the plot of my stories. I’m also fond of making illustrations to them. In addition, all the process of story making is very enjoyable to me. That’s why I firmly believe that working as a writer is the best variant for me.
Food plays an important role in our lives. Often people have different preferences and tastes. Someone likes hot and spicy dishes, while others prefer softer tastes. For many people, a very important role plays the usefulness of the food. And there are those who prefer to eat only vegetarian food. In general, everyone has different tastes. As the wise saying goes - "Every man to his own taste»
Everybody in our family is fond of cooking. My mother cooks more often than others. And I like to help her. However, we often experiment with recipes, because we love the variety. We use recipes from all around the world. We like Italian food. We often cook pizza, lasagna and pasta. More we like Japanese cuisine - a variety of rolls and sushi.
And recently, we decided to try the traditional British cuisine and cook the famous cottage pie. At first we were a little bit confused by the ingredients. But in the end it came out very tasty and satisfying, I think,what this my favorite food.
In my opinion, cooking - is a true art. Food should not only bring satiety, it should be tasty and useful.
Еда занимает важное место в нашей жизни. Часто у людей разные предпочтения и вкусы. Некоторые любят острые и пряные блюда, а другие предпочитают более мягкий вкус ы. Для многих людей очень важную роль играет полезность пищи. А есть такие, кто предпочитает есть только растительную пищу. В общем, вкусы у всех разные. Как гласит мудрая пословица - «на вкус и цвет товарища нет».
В нашей семье все очень любят готовить. Особенно часто приготовлением пищи занимается мама. А я люблю ей Вместе мы часто экспериментируем с рецептами, так как любим разнообразие. Мы используем рецепты со всего мира. Нам очень нравится итальянская кухня. Мы часто готовим пиццу, лазанью и пасту. Ещё мы любим блюда японской кухни – разнообразные роллы и суши.
А недавно решили попробовать и традиционную британскую кухню и приготовить знаменитый Пастуший пирог. Сначала нас немного смутили ингредиенты. Но в итоге получилось очень вкусно и сытно. Я думаю, что это моя любимая еда.
На мой взгляд, приготовление пищи – это целое искусство. Еда должна не только приносить сытость, она должна быть вкусной и полезной.