Why did not he call me? - He just flew to the United States. 6 - Have you ever seen a deer in the woods? - I have not seen, and my father had seen last summer. 7. - Have you heard the latest news? They are interesting? - No, I have not yet heard. 8. Autumn came. I never liked this time of year. 9. He has not yet arrived. I'm afraid that something had happened. He's never been late in my life. 10. Now I realize how much I missed you. Where have you been all this time? 11 - Have you ever had a rest abroad? - No, because I am a student, but I always wanted to see the world.
billboard - f) a large outdoor board for displaying advertisements commercial - h) an advert on TV slogan - a) a short phrase that is easy to remember leaflet - d) a printed sheet of paper containing information or advertising something promotion - g) publicizing a product to increase sales endorsement - c) use of a product by a well-known person who says they like it word-of-mouth advertising - e) passing information about a product or service from one person to another orally mail order - i) buying goods from a company that sends them by post product placement - b) advertising a product by putting it in a film or a TV programme banner - j) an advertisement appearing on a web page in the form of a bar,column or box