Convert the following real conditionals into unreal ones. make all the necessary changes:
1. if it is necessary to define whether the law was interpreted and applied correctly, court of appeal reviews the case appealed from the common pleas court.
2. if the jury returns a verdict of acquittal, the defendant is free to go.
3. in the usa if the defendant pleads guilty, the judge will simply decide upon the appropriate sentence.
4. if a legal dispute is not resolved in a courtroom, there can be an attempt to reach a settlement through alternative dispute resolution.
5. if a dispute is not settled by agreement between the disputing parties, it will eventually be heard and decided by a judge in court.
6. if a service is being provided (for example, a mobile phone contract), and there is a specified period for the contract, this must be clearly stated by the provider.
7. if you need to make a claim against a shop, company or other provider, because you have not received satisfaction from that shop, company, etc., you can do so through the county court.
8. if a company produces essential food or medical items to sell locally, it should implement a policy of price restraint so that these products are affordable.
a) He offered (lending) me the money. I didn,t like (to take) it but I had no other way out.
b) What was in the letter? I don,t know. I didn,t want (to open) it as it wasn't addressed to me.
c) Try (to avoid) (being) late. He hates (to be) kept (waiting).
d) He heard the clock striking seven and knew it was time for him (to get) up.
e) I can hear the bell (ring) but nobody seems (to be coming) (to open) the door.
f) Did you advise him (to go) to the police? - No, I didn't like (giving) any advise on such a difficult matter.
g) I'm not used to (driving) on the left.
h) It's pleasant (to sit) by the fire at night and (hear) the wind (blowing) outside.
i) It's no use (writing) to him, he never answers letters. The only thing to (do) is (to go) and (see) him.
j) Ask him (to come) in. Don,t keep him (standing) at the door.