We have just received our order no.5934 for moped spare parts (40x GM79, 60x GM95). Unfortunately the packing in the crate was obviously inadequate as 19 of the GM79s were broken and 10 of the GM95s were irreparably damaged. We would be grateful if you would send us replacement parts as soon as possible as they are in great demand.
In the meantime, we have also received your invoice for this order (no.0067). If you would like to send an amended invoice for the parts we have received in working order, we will be happy to pay it. Otherwise we will pay this invoice as soon as we receive the full order.
1 have
2 gets
3 do not keep
4 ... do you prefer ?
5 is cooking
6 are not having ...
7 Why are you smiling?
1 can you jump very high?
2 should his sister keep fit?
3 must your friends attend everyday trainings?
4 may we stay here?
1. Не могли бы вы мне с домашним заданием?
2. Ты должен заниматься плаванием, если хочешь быть здоровым.
3. Я не знаю, где они сейчас. Они могут быть на стадионе.
4. Могу ли войти? - Нет, ты не должен.
5. Я не могу приготовить этот салат. Я не знаю рецепта.
6. Завтра ему не придется вставать рано.