before the popularity
name given at birth sanjar abdurahimov farhadovich. born in tashkent in the most ordinary family. from sanjar has two brothers, anwar and nodirbek. father — seen aka rakhimov, mother — opa otabek rakhimov.
school years were held in secondary school № 150. the hero recalls this period of his life with joy. a lot of positive emotions associated with the school bench. first love, frequent absenteeism, buying sweets. but at the same time sanjar was an excellent student.
even today he tries to keep in touch with former classmates. with all debited, phoned. school teachers are also fondly remembered. especially a young man jamil allocates the income statement, tulkin aku and movludu the income statement.
after graduating from high school, the young man entered the tashkent state technical university. documents for admission were submitted in 1998. the hero chose the faculty of "electronics of automation and technical calculations"as his future profession. as a student, the young man is in search of work and gets to the casting leading, which was held on the local radio "hamroh". in total more than 850 participants took part in selection and only 10 of them got on radio to conduct a live broadcast. but here sanjar did not like it, because he had only one broadcast.
as a result, in 2000, our hero goes to work on another radio station called "sesame". working on radio sanjar tries to develop his creative career. to do this, he takes part in various song contests and festivals held in uzbekistan. and it paid off.
in 2002, the creative career has moved from a dead point, when the competition "new names" sanzhar rakhimov takes first place. the next victory was in 2003 at the song contest "golden voice".
2005 can be called the year when the future people's artist of uzbekistan gained popularity. it all started with the song "don't believe", authored by ikbal of muhammadjonov. this is the first mentor sanjar song way. the result in just 7 days,, an unknown artist, the young man becomes the real star of the republic. the song occupied the first positions of chat radio stations across the country. recording studio "pan-terra" concludes a contract with a young singer.
in 2006, sanjar was invited to star in a movie called "sms". the film was sahib abboskhon. and this debut was successful because the tape was popular at the box office. however, his solo career, the young man didn't quit and in 2006, a second hit of the sardor rahimhon called "resentment". after the release of the album "arisings"in 2007 with a new hit track "beauty of samarkand", the singer began to travel around the country with performances. in 2008 they released the album "i will protect you." in support of his offspring in october 2008 held a solo performance, which gathered a large number of fans of young talent.
russian singer and composer dmitry malikov participated in the fate of our hero and wrote a song for him "you are for me". it is performed in russian. even there is video clip on this song. just on account of the singer 7 albums.
in 2009, sardor rakhimkhon received the title of "honored artist of uzbekistan".
the end of the year is just that time for favorites lists – and i’ve written about the best travel books many times over! i love talking about travel books. why? because part of the tool belt of any traveler is a good book. long bus, train, or plane rides can get pretty boring and can give you a lot of “dead” time if you haven’t mastered the art of the 10-hour blank stare. additionally, reading travel books helps you learn about the destinations you are visiting. the more you know about a place, the more you can understand a place.
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Оказалось, путешествие продолжается, правда, в город, который хорошо всем нам известен. Что же новенького принесет оно? Оказалось, многое.
Смотреть картины в музее куда более увлекательно, чем репродукции. Слушать живую музыку – это и вовсе какое-то чудо! А сколько тайн и загадок хранит наша крепостная стена! Вот бы никогда не подумал! На первый взгляд столь красивые, мирные
сооружения, но несущие глубокий исторический смысл.
Всегда интересно рассматривать собственные произведения на фоне остальных… возможно, сравнивая их с другими, а, может, и находя сходство с известными картинами. Каждый старается передать свое настроение от увиденных ранее в музее картин.
А от услышанной музыки? Сидя в зале в ожидании выхода музыкантов, хочется быстрее услышать «голос» каждого инструмента. Исполнители на виолончели, альте, скрипке словно сами погружались в глубокое детство, когда даже по ночам играли на любимом инструменте. Они пританцовывали, улыбались, создавая атмосферу то грозы, с грубыми звуками природы, то переносили нас в цветочное поле со шмелями; мы окунулись в мир сказок Островского. Когда музыка затухала, мысли так и рвались куда-то в лес, в облака… а может и выше!
Вот зал затих… Тихо, как в лесу… И вдруг от общего восторга по залу проносится волна эмоций, аплодисментов, улыбок. Каждый хочет шепнуть соседу о впечатлениях, но снова переходит в ожидание, что заиграет завораживающая мелодия рояля.
Весь день меня настойчиво преследовало какое-то странное ощущение. Я смог разобраться в нем только дома: отмерив свой путь на земле, ушли великие люди, а все созданное ими осталось и будет всегда. Они ушли, и они – с нами. Почему-то очень захотелось перефразировать Есенина:
Есть что-то прекрасное в этом,
А с этим прекрасное в нас.
Знаю, что не стоит этого делать, но почему-то очень захотелось…