Once upon in a shop a little boy Tom was standing and looking at toys. He was fond of plane modelling. After school he always went to this shop and looked at planes. That day he bought nothing. When he was heading for the door of the shop, the security guard grabbed his arm. Tom didn't understand why he did so, but he was scared.The guard made him show his pockets and didn't find anything in them. Tom was upset. People who came in this shop looked at Tom. He decided not to go to this shop again.
Кошка это милое создание. они бывают разной породы, окраски. кошки домашние животные. некоторые кошки ловят мышей в есть и такие которым лень. такие кошки кушают не кости и мышей в вискас. мне очень нравятся кошки. у меня дома есть кошечка которая любит со мной поиграть. A cat is a sweet creature. they are of different breeds, coloring. cats pets. some cats catch mice in there and such that laziness. such cats eat not bones and mice in Whiskas. I really like cats. I have a kitty at home who likes to play with me