Супербобровы. Моя любимая ''семья'', в плане фильма. Сюжет заключается в том что обычные люди обретают супер и каждый из них занимается своими делами в плане города. Один неудачный момент был, когда вся семья собралась и папа семьи за столом подпрыгнул( у него высокий прыжок крч) и проломил 10 этажов вверх и упал на ужин, лазерное зрение у мамы синхронно полетело в зеркало, а от зеркала в дочь, дочь успела телепортнуться к брату, а брат убежал (быстро бегал крч) вот сё) ну сам накидаешь еще слова если шо))
Mike said he had heard a lot of politcal system of the UK,but still had doubts he understood all the duties of MPs. Sarah wondered if that was so important in his life.She wanted to know whether he really cared for that. Mike replied that probably he didn't care so much,but he was interested what they might discuss every day. Sarah said he might use the net to find out what they did in the Houses and she wondered whether he had tried to. Mike replied that he had thought Sarah knew all the details of their work. Sarah answered she knew something but if he needed any particulars he'd better use the site of the Parliament and email his questions directly. Mike wanted to know whether it was possible and added he hadn't known. Sarah suggested/recommended trying and he saw the result. Mike thanked and told her he would try.
3) are you doing; have been waiting
4) won't be writing; will already have written
5) are you doing; am preparing; have you been preparing
6) had been waiting; saw
7) would read
8) came; had already returned; was sitting
9) comes; will have still packing
10) writes; has been writing; has already written
11) has been waiting; would ring
12) will have translated
13) have you ever spent; have; was
14) will he do; finishes; will enter
15) did you see; saw
16) have done
17) will have worked
18) were you reading
19) did you learn; am still learning; have already been learning; haven't learnt it yet
20) had been raining