1. Everyone (to read) quietly when suddenly the door burst open and a
complete stranger rushed in.
3) was reading
2. He didn't say a word while we (to eat).
4) were eating
3. She was taught not to interrupt when older people (to talk).
4) were talking
4. He sat thinking of his wife whom he (to leave) alone in Europe.
3) had left
5. Her name was Logan. She (to be) a widow for 15 years and had no
1) had been
6. He glanced my way to see if I (to listen).
1) was listening
4) had been listening
7. He (to swim) in the river when he was a child.
2) used to swim
8. We (to drive) for about ten hours before we stopped for a break.
1) had been driving
9. He (to work) as journalist for several years before he began writing
4) had been working
10. I (to learn) to drive for 5 years before I could pass my driving test.
2) had learnt
ответ:There are many cities with an environmental problem. We often do not notice how dirty our city is. And what can we do? 2) Problems with garbage is terrible. Also, when we live in a landfill, it’s completely not normal. And the very factory pipes from which black smoke "pours"? They also have a terrible effect on nature. 3) We can not throw out garbage where it gets (in flowerbeds, in parks, near buildings), bring and recycle garbage, etc. 4) In conclusion, I want to tell you, my friend, take care of nature today, otherwise tomorrow it will be too late.
Есть множество городов с проблемой экологии. Мы зачастую не замечаем до чего грязен наш город. И что же мы можем поделать? 2) Проблемы с мусором это ужасно. Также, когда мы живём практичекси на свалке это совершенно не нормально. А те самые заводские трубы, из которых "льётся" черный дым? Они тоже ужасно влияют на природу. 3) Мы можем не выбрасывать мусор где попадая (на клумбах, в парках, около зданий), приносить и перерабатывать мусора, и т.д. 4) В заключение хочу сказать тебе, мой друг, береги природу сегодня, иначе завтра будет уже поздно.