ответ:1. The scarf is made of wool. It's used for keeping us warm.
2. The mirror is made of glass. It's used for checking your appearance.
3.The broom is made of wood and straw. It's used for cleaning floors.
4. The watch is made of metal or plastic. It's used for telling the time with.
5.The candle is made of wax .It's used for lighting a room.
6.The pot is made of clay. It's used for planting flowers in.
7. The belt is made of leather. It's used for keeping trousers up.
8.The remote control is made of plastic.It's used for changing channels on a TV.
Объяснение:вот так
ответ: Задание 3, ответ С
Задание 4.
1. - (открыли не рабочие, а эксперты)
2. +
3. +
4. - (нет, помещение откроют в 8113 году )
5. - (нет, они положили обыкновенные, вещи)
6. +
- Hi, I'm Amy!
- And I'm Eric!
- And this is our second podcast about time capsules. Last week, we gave you some tips. This week we want to talk about some real time capsules.
- Let’s start with the Boston time capsule because it's still the oldest and it has an interesting story.
- Yes, some builders came across this one in 2015. The workers were repairing the historic building when they found a metal box hidden inside the walls….men had left it there…..
- That's right. So, some experts opened the box very carefully because it contained fragile documents. Also, inside there were some unusual coins and medals, some newspapers from 1795 and some really interesting historic documents. All is in amazingly good condition.
- Those coins will be pretty valuable now.
- Let’s look at another one from the USA. This one is a bit bigger.
-Yes. It’s enormous, it’s in Georgia….
- It’s really a room, a waterproof room with a massive metal door. The idea for it came from university president in 1930s. He wanted future civilizations to have information about us. The opening date is the year 9114.
-That’s a long long time. It certainly is. They finished building the crypt in 1940….The things in the room are ordinary objects in 1940 like type writers and radios. But looking at the pictures some of them look really old-fashioned now.
- I know. Look at the toaster.
-Not all times capsules interesting. Some of them are really bad. One big mistake is to bury a time capsule underground. There is often water underground and water is not good for time capsules. Like this one in New Zealand. People thought it had historic documents in it. But after 100 years all they found it was dirty water and a button. Water had destroyed the documents long time before they opened it.
-A button. Great!
-Exactly! You definitely need some interesting things in your capsule in it. I like this story about a 50 old capsule in American town called Smithtown. More than 175 people came to watch some experts opened it. But the contents were really boring. It had typically men’s and women’s hats, some papers, some coins and not much gems. One man said that one most interesting thing came out of in with the smell.
-With smell!
-Yes. I guess something in there was rotten.