My grandfather. Shustov Vasily Egorovich.
He went to war when he was seventeen years old. During the war he was a signalman. Mom told me that grandfather told her a lot about how he fought when she was about my age. When the grandfather arrived on purpose, he had a funny story:
The grandfather was sent to the dugout, where the radio operator was. So that he introduced him to the radio and explained how to use it. The radio operator did not have to leave for a long time, and the grandfather was left alone. At this time, the radio was activated, the commander in chief was in touch and began to demand the "first" commander, that is. But the grandfather did not know about it and said that they don’t have any first. The commander became angry and said: "What a stump with eyes sitting there?" The radio operator heard, ran up to the radio and explained that it was new, and he did not have time to explain everything to him.
So - so grandpa became a signalman.
During the bombing, the connection was often interrupted, because the wire was broken. And the communications workers had to be under fire, with a large coil behind them, in order to establish a connection. There were cases when the German intelligence officers cut off the connection and waited in wait for the signalman to capture him.
In time for such a sortie, my grandfather was wounded in the jaw, a fragment stuck in his head for the rest of his life.
After the hospital he was sent to accompany the trains with tanks to the front.
The grandfather was awarded the medals "For Courage" and "Military Merit."
I am very sorry that I did not find my grandfather alive, but I am proud of him. Throughout the war, he defended his homeland from the Nazis. It seems to me that my grandfather made a great contribution to the Victory.
So I think yes. In the future I think that we will be able to speak with them, because we will have a lot of powerful technologies which will help us to connect with them and they will tech us or maybe we will be able to teach them to our languages, culture and goals in science. It will be real revolution in astronomy and another science.