i am not reading a book now
are you reading a book now?
i do not like talking to him
who are talking about?
i do not say goodbye to my children every morning
did you say goodbye to your children?
i do not like this colour, i think we should paint a hospital again
do you think the gobernments should paint a hospital?
why do not you look at the postman?
i am looking not at the postman, i am looking at the tree
i do not know how to repair a car
did he repair the car himself?
who will wait for the ambulance?
why should i wait for the ambulance?
could you please deliver a letter to Mrs Harris?
no, i can not deliver a letter to Mrs Harris
who will drive a taxi?
i can not dreive a car so i can not dribe a taxi
how many drinks did you serve?
i had no time so i did not serve the drinks
i am not reading a book now
are you reading a book now?
i do not like talking to him
who are talking about?
i do not say goodbye to my children every morning
did you say goodbye to your children?
i do not like this colour, i think we should paint a hospital again
do you think the gobernments should paint a hospital?
why do not you look at the postman?
i am looking not at the postman, i am looking at the tree
i do not know how to repair a car
did he repair the car himself?
who will wait for the ambulance?
why should i wait for the ambulance?
could you please deliver a letter to Mrs Harris?
no, i can not deliver a letter to Mrs Harris
who will drive a taxi?
i can not dreive a car so i can not dribe a taxi
how many drinks did you serve?
i had no time so i did not serve the drinks