2 1.know 3 1.have
2.works 2.is working
3.came 3.forgets
4.has 4.is coming
5.eat 5.goes
6.is listening 6.are singing
7.goes 7.finish or finished
8.eats 8.are playing
9.is shopping 9.read
10.like 10.buys
23 1.Where are my keys?
2.What time do you get up?
3.What are you doing in my room?
4.Jack have many lessons on Monday.
5.Where do you live?
6.Sally likes black coffee.
7.Do you go with us?
8.He knows my father.
9.She is having lunch at the moment.
10.I don't know his name.
11.She doesn't play tennis well.
12.Look at him!He is swimming to the rock.
13.Jack is in the yard.He Is washing his car.
14.Sid doesn't skate well
15.He usually plays piano after dinner.
16.Jane is having dinner now.
17.Are you a pupil from our school?
18.We are at the shopping center.
19.Every Sunday my father takes me to the Zoo.
20.What do they do usually in the evening.
18 1.is sleeping
2.is listening
4.Are you working
5.are you doing
6.do you usually have
9.is making
10.often reads
New Year is the most long-awaited holiday. Many people associate it with magic and gifts. First of all it is surrounded by the wonderful smell of tangerines and Christmas trees, which helps to create a festive mood People of all ages truly believe that in New Year their goals аnd wishes will come true.
New Year is an international holiday, but in every country it is celebrated in many different ways and each family has their own traditions. For example, in Australia, people celebrate the New Year on the beach or go on picnics with friends. In Italy, the New Year begins on January 6. Here people believe in the good fairy Befana, who gives stars and gifts for everyone. In Israel, people at on the New Year eat only sweets and avoid bitter food. In Spain on this day there is a tradition to swallowone grape (виноград) for every time the bell chimes аnd make a wish.
profession|p — специальность, профессия;
by profession — по профессии: I’m a lawyer by profession — по профессии я юрист;
occupation - род занятий, профессия;
career — карьера;
career service — государственная служба (амер.);
career in full bloom — пик карьеры;
distinguished career — выдающаяся карьера;
career aspiration— стремление продвигаться по службе;
a chancey profession — профессия, в которой многое зависит от случая;
trainee job — стажировка;
period of trainee — стажировка;
internship — интернатура;
job as an apprentice — обучаться специальности на рабочем месте;
volunteer work — работа на общественных началах;
part-time job — работа с неполной занятостью;
permanent job — постоянная работа;
temporary job — временная работа;
work under the contract — работа по контракту;
department — отдел;
flexitime / flexible working hours — гибкий график работы;
run a firm / company — руководить компанией;
work in shifts — работать посменно;
work overtime — работать сверхурочно;
work late — работать допоздна;
get a raise / promotion — получить повышение;
to make one’s promotion / win one’s promotion получить продвижение по службе;
annual leave — ежегодный отпуск
maternity leave — отпуск по уходу за ребенком
working conditions — условия работы
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