task. 2 read the text. then read the questions and complete the answers.
save the elephant!
no animals are bigger than whales, but elephants are bigger than all other animals on the
land. there are elephants in india and africa. indian elephants are a bit smaller and they've
also got smaller ears!
elephants eat fruit and plants, and they love water. when they're drinking at a river, they
often play in the water! they live for about 50 to 60 years in the wild, and about 80 years in
safari parks. elephants sometimes attack smaller animals or humans, but they aren't usually
dangerous. humans are a lot more dangerous! people hunt and kill between 10,000 and 20,000
elephants every year.
many people think elephants are interesting, intelligent animals, and they want to help
them. at the moment, safari parks and zoos are protecting some elephants. there are 90
elephants in british zoos!
1 how big are african elephants? they're don t bigger thanwhales, but they're
digger than indian elephants.
2 what do elephants do when they're at a river? they doinking water, and they also
attack smaller animals
3. how dangerous are elephants? they aren't
_ very dangerous but they
4 why are some humans dangerous? some humans are dangerous because
how is the uk helping elephants? it's got
total (51)
A friend who knew about Darwin's interest in nature invited him to take the trip. Charles was 22 when he left England for a five-year trip around the world.
This trip is a very important one in the history of science, for it led Darwin to write one of the worlds most famous books. The book is "The Origin of Species".
It gives Darwin's ideas of how all the plants and animals of today have come from the very simple plants and animals that first lived on the Earth. Darwin was seasick for much of the voyage, but he came back with the notes for his great book.
He visited the Galapagos Islands, Australia, New Zealand. There he saw many strange plants and animals.
These were Darwin's chief ideas: many more plants and animals are produced than can possibly live. There is no two plants and animals, even of the same kind, which would be exactly alike.
The idea that all the plants and animals of today came from the simple plants and animals of long ago is called "The theory of evolution"
Перевод: Дарвин не собирался становиться ученым. Он хотел стать врачом. Но его интересовали растения и животные.
Один его друг, который знал об увлечении Дарвина природой, пригласил его в путешествие. Чарльзу было 22 года, когда он выехал из Англии в кругосветное путешествие на пять лет.
Это путешествие имеет большое значение для истории науки, потому что оно написанию одной из самых известных в мире книг. Это книга «Происхождение видов».
В ней высказывается теория Дарвина о том, что все современные растения и животные произошли от древних растений и животных, которые когда-то населяли Землю. Значительную часть путешествия Дарвин страдал от морской болезни, но это не помешало ему собрать заметки для своей большой книги.
Он побывал на Галапагосских островах, в Австралии и Новой Зеландии. Там он увидел много необычных растений и животных.
Вот основные идеи Дарвина: растения и животные появляются на свет в гораздо большем количестве, чем могут выжить. Не существует двух абсолютно одинаковых растений или животных даже в рамках одного вида.
Теория Дарвина о происхождении всех современных растений и животных называется «Теорией эволюции».