Our country has existed for more than a thousand years. Not all countries and not all nations have been able to pass such a test, namely, to exist, develop, overcome difficulties and strengthen itself. For this thousand years our ancestors have made great efforts to make our country as strong holding as it is today. We have gained great results in science, technology, education and so on. What will our planet look like in the future? It depends only on us. All are in our hands. Today we are children sitting around desks, but tomorrow — doctors, musicians, programmers, scientists, teachers, military and engineers. At the moment, we are facing great challenges for the future, for example, artificial intelligence. This is the future not only of Russia, it is the future of all humanity I think, that, we, Russians should do better than our competitors. If we talk about the future, most likely,...
I like summer. The weather is usually warm. Sometimes it is hot. The sky is blue.The sun is shining. We can swim and dive. I usually ride my bike. And there are no lessons in summer. We have holidays.
Я люблю лето.Погода обычно теплая. Иногда бывает жарко. Небо голубое. Светит солнце. Мы можем плавать и нырять. Я обычно катаюсь на велосипеде. И у нас нет никаких уроков летом. У нас каникулы. Summer is my favorite season. Лето - мое любимое время года.
In summer days are the longest and nights are the shortest. Летом дни самые длинные, а ночи самые короткие.It is often hot in summer. Летом часто бывает жарко.
Summer is the warmest season of the year. Лето - самое теплое время года.
The grass is green and many flowers bloom in summer. Летом трава зеленая и расцветают многие цветы.
People wear light clothes in summer: shorts, t-shirts, short sleeved tops and dresses. Летом люди одевают легкую одежду: шорты, футболки, рубашки* и платья с коротким рукавом.