Hello,my dear parents! How are you? I'm good. Yesterday I was at party,it was in one club,but i didn't remember it's name. Organizers were my new friends. They are 20 years old. They very good,funny and kind. I love them. They always support me and make my shine. Also they are beautiful and clever! I met with them in the street and they gave me an invitational for the party. Then we started to chat with them. Food was like fast food. Every teenagers love it. There were humbuggers, chickens,fri, pepsi,cola and so on. Traditional English food. I think it's tea! It' just my opinion. We were drink at 5 p.m a tea with a cupcake. It was pretty good:) And cute. Tea was usual. But we drank it in very beautiful cup! And cupcakes was mmm,delicious! They were beautiful,with a lot of decorations,tastes. I took one for you! I promise I will cook for you a very tasty cake! I hope it will be good:) Miss ya.
- I advise you to read this book here.- And what is the genre of this book?- Fiction, I like it very much.- I do not like science fiction.- Well, there is one more book about love, she zastavlet to experience and reflect on life- Oh, that perhaps I'll read this. - Я советую прочитать вам вот эту книгу.- А какой жанр у этой книги?- Фантастика, мне она очень нравится.- Я не люблю фантастику.- Ну вот есть ещё одна книга про любовь, она заставлет переживать и задуматься о жизни- О, вот эту я прочитаю. Думаю понравится)
anyone-никто,кто то любой
nothing ничего
everywhere везде
надо просто перевести отдельные слова