1-I prefer to read books rather than go to a party. I believe that reading books is important in thinking and razvitii.Chtenie helps develop memory, imagination, knowledge, and increase vocabulary vocabulary 2-I prefer to play a musical instrument. I play piano. This helps in the development of the brain and opens new horizons. Playing the piano, I enjoy 3-I listen to classical music as well as contemporary. 4.Lyublyu animals. I have Fish 5-I go less frequently to the theater, but I like to go there 6-Pretty good job in team games. 7-I love science 8-I love to visit muzei.Kulturnaya life is impossible without a visit to the various institutions. Also, as this is not possible without spiritual and personal development of human 9-For the party I am calm, I can safely skip. 10-I know many of the names of the actors, actresses and film producers. I know such a thing as "good" and "bad" movie. "I want to become a director herself, so interested in movies.It needs help. Удачи!)
Every night people dream. When I was a child my mother read me a fairy tale by Andersen which named «Ole Lukkoye». It was a story about children and their dreams. Good children have bright and interesting dreams, bad and naughty have black anв terrible dreams. Now I am adult and I have different dreams. For example, yesterday I saw a real nightmare. I dreamed about a nasty and ugly monster that chased me and tried to kill me. I woke up in a cold sweat! I was so scared! So I should not watch horror films before I go to bed anymore!
2-I prefer to play a musical instrument. I play piano. This helps in the development of the brain and opens new horizons. Playing the piano, I enjoy
3-I listen to classical music as well as contemporary.
4.Lyublyu animals. I have Fish
5-I go less frequently to the theater, but I like to go there
6-Pretty good job in team games.
7-I love science
8-I love to visit muzei.Kulturnaya life is impossible without a visit to the various institutions. Also, as this is not possible without spiritual and personal development of human
9-For the party I am calm, I can safely skip.
10-I know many of the names of the actors, actresses and film producers. I know such a thing as "good" and "bad" movie. "I want to become a director herself, so interested in movies.It needs help.