In January 2005 Lomonosov Moscow State University celebrated its 250th anniversary.
It 1 was founded by Mikhail Lomonosov.
He 2 (considered to be one of the intellectual titans of the 18th century.
He 3 was described by the great
Russian poet Alexander Pushkin as a person of keen scientific mind, whose lifelong passion was learning.
In 1724, the time when Russia 4 was reformed by Peter I, the St Petersburg Academy of Sciences 5 was founded
(established a university and a grammar school to educate the intellectuals and researchers the country needed.
However, these educational establishments 7 didn’t fulfil the task they took on. It was Mikhail Lomonosov who suggested, in his letter to Count Shuvalov, establishing a university in Moscow.Count Shuvalov was a patron of the arts and science.
He 8 (supported Lomonosov’s plans for a new university and 9 (presented them to Empress Elizabeth, who 10 (approved the project
Лучшее место для отдыха это — это заграница, но не совсем: здесь говорят по-русски все от школьников до пенсионеров. Так что вам без проблем подскажут, как пройти к улице, на которой снимали «Семнадцать мгновений весны» и «Шерлока Холмса». Несмотря на русскую речь, атмосфера в Риге и других латвийских городах европейская: узкие улочки, органная музыка, замки, пестрые дома, башенные шпили и приятная публика на неспешном променаде.Латвию можно по праву назвать сердцем Прибалтики, ведь здесь собрано всё лучшее, чем может похвастаться этот регион. Древняя архитектура городов граничит со скромностью и очарованием деревушек, современные многоэтажные бизнес-центры соседствуют с многовековыми замками и дворцами, церквями и соборами, хранящими загадки .
a table,an apple,a pen,a pencil,an elephant,a girl,a boy,an orange,a cat,a flat,an umbrella, an engineer, a teacher, an iron, a car, an owl, a doctor,a room,a desk,a sofa, a window, an aunt, an uncle,a wolf,an evening,a tree,a flower, an eagle, an exercise,a chair,a plane.
This is a car.
Those are planes.
That is a whale.
Those are sharks.
This is my guitar.
That is an island.
1. This is easy.
b) homework
2. These are my neighbors.
a) women
3. What are you doing afternoon?
b) this
4. Who's speaking?
b) it
5. These are my glasses and are hers.
a) those
6. We are going to the seaside summer.
b) this
7. man over there is a famous politician.
a) That
That is a car .Those are cars.
This is a dog.These are dogs.
That is a star.Those are stars.
This is his pencil.These are his pencils.
That is his pen.Those are his pens.
This is a sheep. These are sheep.
That is a child.Those are children.
a- ставится перед согласной
an- перед гласной