1. my wife plum cakes. a) often does 2) this (stop) rain yet? a) has stopped. 3 “if i had any instructions, i would know what to do,” the mage said. d). the magician said that if she had any instructions, she would know what to do. 4. to learn english, you can take courses or visit an english-speaking country. a) either 5. the bird was absent. in the air it was but a pair of wings. a) something 6. i cannot give them the information they want. a) still 7. captain black sent a plane to west, over the pacific ocean. a) -, a, the, 8. your son passed the exam if he tried. b) may 9. with the invention of pneumatic tools, many problems of technology d) solved 10. the speaker made such a good speech that i could not resist loudly when he finished. c) applaud
Продавщица: Здравствуйте! Чем я могу вам
Райгул: Здравствуйте. Я ищу желтое платье в
витрине. Он все еще на складе?
Продавщица: да, но у нас почти все распродано. Это для тебя?
Райгул: нет, это подарок для друга.
Продавец: хорошо. Вы знаете, какого она размера?
Райгул: она примерно такая же, как и я. У нее 14-й размер.
Продавец: позвольте мне быстро взглянуть, хорошо, вам повезло.
Это последний размер 14.
Райгул: я возьму его. Могу ли я расплатиться кредитной картой?
Продавец: Да, это не проблема. Это 35,99 фунта
Райган: вот ты где.
Продавец введите свой PIN-код. Вот ваша карточка
и квитанция.
Райгул: большое вам До свидания.
Продавщица: до свидания.
1 Marla said, what this is a very misleading advertisement.
2 Mam asked, what Is this the new soft drink advert?.
3 She said to me, what please, don’t forget to pay the bill at the bank.
4 dad asked, what Where’s my new watch?
5 the teacher said to us, what open your books on page 91, please.
6 He said, what i will meet you outside the building.
7 Kate complained, what my soup is cold.
8 Mr. Preston informed, what there will be a meeting in my office at 5 pm, Bill .
9 Mum ordered to me, what go to your room!.
10 Our teacher advised, what you should not pay so much attention to adverts.
перевел из прямой речи в косвенную.
ответ a b b b c a c b c a