Most of all I love the winter holidays. They are not as long as summer, but I have time to have fun for the rest of the time until summer holidays. For example, I can go skiing and skating. And don't forget about playing in the snow, very fun in the winter. I can ride the hill on a sled with my friends and sculpt funny snowmen and just enjoy this snowy tale. You can also try out different winter sports. For example, hockey. I love the winter holidays for their fun and entertainment. ПЕРЕВОД : Больше всего я люблю зимние каникулы. Они не такие долгие, как летние, но за них я успеваю повеселиться на все оставшиеся время до летних каникул. Например, я могу кататься на лыжах и на коньках. И не забываю об игре в снежки, самом веселом в зиме. Я могу кататься по горке на санках с моими друзьями, лепить забавных снеговиков и просто любоваться этой снежной сказкой. Также, можно опробовать разные виды зимнего спорта. К примеру, хоккей. Я очень люблю зимние каникулы за их веселье и развлечение.
2. present simple. His diagnosis is not confirmed by x-ray. Is his diagnisis confirmed by x-ray? 3. present simple. The course of the disease does not seem mild. Does course of the disease seem mild? 4. present simple. Every human does not need vitamins and minerals. Does every human need vitamins and minerals? 5. present simple (passive). Drasti drugs are not sold by prescription only. Are drastic drugs sold by prescription only? 6. future simple. They will not use the new method in their research. Will they use the new method in their research? 7. future simple (passive). The findings of blood analysis will not be made in an hour. Will the findings of blood be made in an hour? 8. past simple (passive). The structure of the human body was not described by A.Vesalius. Was the structure of the human body described by A. Vesalius?
1. comedies
2. thriller
3. science fiction
4. detective stories
5. spy film
6. cartoon