To recall, I chose two commercials: positive - Coffee Jacobs Monarch and negative -Coffee Jacobs Monarch.The color scheme - vivid image, colorful costumes, excellent quality video.The plot - a little boy on the eve of the New Year (хотя я бы написала "Christmas") takes the usual jar, starts launch fragrance and goes to the balcony. Opening the jar, he released a fragrance, attracting this Santa Claus.Musical accompaniment - wonderful, well-known Christmas song Dean Martin - Let it snow.Actors - One of the main tasks of the smallest actor was his nice behavior in this advertisement and his actor coped perfectly well.The idea - to show that coffee is so good that even the fragrance can be heard wherever you were not, and that you did not do.Overall impression - after viewing the want to drink coffee, because of circumstances, and all the well-known song Dean Martin -Let it snow perfect Christmas mood charges. --- Я не уверена, что переводить нужно было именно так. .-.
1. He (studied) better than his father (had done). 2. They (spent) their vacation last year at the same village where they (had lived) many years before. 3. When we ( came) she had already ( sent) the children away and (was free) to speak to us. 4. Yesterday I (bought) a new watch as I (had lost) my old one. 5. He (took) the boy to the door by which he himself (had entered) the room. 6. He ( opened) his eyes, then ( looked) around and (thoght) for some time, trying to remember what (had happened) to him. 7. After they (had travelled) in the Caucasus they (decided) to make a sea voyage. 8. After they (had gone) at last I (went) to bed. 9. He (ate) all the cakes after we (had told) him not to do it. 10. The day after the party he ( asked) why we (had left) so early.
Я не уверена, что переводить нужно было именно так. .-.