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Winter is my favorite time of year. I always spend my winter holidays in the village with my grandparents, and New year's eve in winter.

This winter, I was even more looking forward to a trip to the village, because my grandfather promised to take me with him on a winter fishing trip. The holidays finally started and I was taken to my mother's parents. My grandmother was insanely happy to see her only grandchild, she was always busy at the stove, preparing various Goodies for me and my grandfather. And my grandfather and I were all waiting for the moment when we could go to the river. The weather was bad in those days, there were snowstorms all day long, and I wasn't even allowed to go outside. I was beginning to think that I would spend the whole vacation sitting in the house, at the window…

It's been four days since I visited my grandmother, the weather was not going to improve, I was upset. One evening, my grandfather, coming from the street, said that tomorrow we were going fishing, I did not believe how it was possible to fish in this weather, but my grandfather reassured me, said that it would be warm.

Morning came, and when I woke up, I looked out the window and saw that the snowstorm was over and the sun was shining. Happy I went to Wake my grandfather, but he had already got up and prepared the tackle. After Breakfast and warmly dressed, we went to the river. This was the first time for me, so I listened carefully to my grandfather. Coming to the river, we chose a place and drilled a hole, I threw a fishing rod, my grandfather was located next to me. After sitting for fifteen minutes and not catching anything, we changed the place, and then, throwing the rod into a new hole, I felt that someone had bitten me. I pulled out my fishing rod, and there was a small bass. My grandfather said I was very lucky, I was happy, it was my first fish. We fished for a couple of hours, it was good, and we returned home with a bucket of perch. We were cold and hungry, but we were very happy. My grandmother was delighted to see what a catch we brought. For dinner, we ate fish caught, and my grandmother fried it, and it was very tasty. Winter fishing gave me a lot of positive emotions.

There were only two days left before my parents were supposed to pick me up. I tried to spend this time usefully. I helped my grandfather clear the snow in the yard, chop wood, and bring water. After working, my grandparents and I made snowmen, fed birds, and played snowballs. I liked it in the country.

The time came, and I was taken home. I will remember these holidays for a long time, how much joy and fun they brought me.

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My future career is a lawyer.
There are three reasons why being a lawyer is of importance to me. The first reason as to why this career is important to me is basically because the make tons of money and every one likes money I know I do and I know with a lawyer salary I wouldn’t have to worry about struggling to pay bills and affording stuff. In addition, I’m talkative and also sarcastic and I’m definitely not shy so that also suits me better for this career as because if you want to be a lawyer you must have the capacity to communicate to strangers with clarity, precision, and persuasiveness. Finally the most important reason why becoming a lawyer is of importance to me is mainly because my grandfather was also a lawyer and I look up to him he had a nice car big house and had tons of money and I look up to him as a person since I was little and I told him I was be a lawyer just like him.
The legal system affects nearly every aspect of our society, from buying a home to crossing the street, linking it to society in many different ways. They hold positions of great responsibilities and are obligated to follow a strict code of ethics.
The practice of law involves a great deal of responsibility. Individuals planning careers in law should like to work with people and be able to win the respect and confidence of their clients, associates, and the public. Perseverance, creativity, and reasoning ability also are essential to lawyers, who often analyze complex cases and handle new and unique legal problems.
I enter college with my future already situated in their minds.

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I think it’s hard to create an ideal school uniform. First of all, it’s very cold in winter and really very warm in Russia in spring and the beginning of autumn, and school uniform should be perfect for the whole school year. Then comes the question of the materials – it’s of course cheaper to make uniform from modern synthetic materials, than from natural fabrics and wool, but each mother would choose the last variant. At the same time, school uniform should be affordable to each family. If speaking about the design of the ideal school uniform, it should suit every pupil, boy and girl, regardless if he or she attends elementary school or is almost a school graduate.

But I support the idea of school uniform. I like that school uniform is a part of school tradition, and makes you honor your school more. Also I support the idea that pupils should think more about studying, and not about what are they dressed in. Introduction of school uniform can help to ease the gap between the rich and the poor and make pupils treat each other as personalities. 

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