It happened to my aunt when she was on her first visit to London. Once my aunt, a young girl then, went for a walk and returned to the hotel rather late. She found her room unlocked, but she didn't think it to be of great importance and went in. When she switched on the light, she shuddered with fear: a stranger in dirty boots was lying on her bed with his feet on the pillow and his head at the foot of the bed. At first it seemed to my aunt that she would die of fear, but after some moments she realized that the man was in no condition to get up or do any harm to her. She felt somewhat reassured, but still she couldn't help screaming so loud that all the neighbours woke up and came running into the room. Great was her embarrassment when she was told that she had entered the wrong room: her room was just above the one she had opened on the next floor.
1) «How glad to see you, old man!»–__ I’m sorry_, what did you say? I don’t think we’ve met before. 2)«_excuse me__, but can you tell me the way tothe State Department Store?»–«_sorry__, I’m a stranger here myself.» 3) «When will you return the money you owe me?»–«_forgive me_, but I cannot return it this month either.» 2).Перефразируйте данные предложения,используя Passivevoice. 1) He built this house. The house was bult by him. 2)The man is repairing our car. Our car is being repared by that man. 3)Cooks make wonderful cakes. Wonderful cakes are made by the cooks. 3).Составьте словосочетания, используяPossessive Case. 1) the children/ the Priestleys; the Priestleys' children 2) the name/ his wife; his wife's name 3) the street/ the name; the street's name 4) the work/ her husband; her husband's work 5) the page/ the top. the page's top (the top of the page) 4).Запишите глагол, пропущенный в данных выражениях. По видимому, это глагол to pull. Он подходит ко всем сочетаниям some strings, someone’s leg, something off, to pull a boner — допустить промах
he has played football,I have seen Australia,She has translated the text.
Сорри если не правильно сам так написал