Hello Megan! I hope you're going well. I'm going great! Today I had a great day. For breakfast I had cereal and a glass of orange juice. It's my favorite breakfast combination. For lunch I had a salad with chicken, and for dinner I decided to order a pizza. Sure, it's unhealthy, but it tastes amazing! I finished my homework early so I had a lot of free time. I had time to play with my pet, go for a walk in the park and even draw for a bit! What did you eat today? Where and how did you spend your free time? Writry back soon, (Ваше имя)
The first thing I will do is cancel the homework. The second thing that I'll do is I'll hang my salaries so that there's no poverty in the country. In the third, I will make coupons for which it will be possible to receive food FREE OF CHARGE, so that there is no hunger in the country. The fourth I strengthen the defense in the country, so that no one can conquer my land.
Первое, что я сделаю, это отменить домашнюю работу. Второе, что я сделаю, это повесить зарплату, чтобы в стране не было бедности. В-третьих, я сделаю купоны, для которых можно будет получать БЕСПЛАТНО БЕСПЛАТНО, чтобы в стране не было голода. В- четвёртых я укрепляю оборону в стране, чтобы никто не мог победить мою землю.
Юаскетболбный мяч полетел вверх вправо с скоростью 40 метров в секунду