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blue food
nature’s way of making food attractive is to colour it so that it looks delicious. how many vegetables are green? most of them. how much meat is read? most of it. we expect our food to be in familiar colours.
food companies sometimes need to add colour to their products to make them more natural-looking. margarine, for example, is actually a clear white colour when it’s made. yellow colouring is added to make it look more like butter. we think that it tastes better, although the taste hasn’t changed at all.
the blue colour isn’t often found in natural food. there aren’t any blue vegetables and there isn’t any blue meat. as a result, we don’t have an automatic desire to eat blue food. a million years ago, when our ancestors searched for food blue, purple and black were “ warning “ colours, that the food may be poisonous.
as blue suppresses the appetite, it is used to help a lot of people who want to lose weight. diet specialists advise people to eat off blue plates and to use knives, forks and spoons with blue handles.
we did our own test to see if colouring food blue affects taste and appetite. using natural food colouring, we made some blue biscuits, spaghetti and rice. we divided twenty people into two groups, a and b. group a wore masks. each person had bowls in front of them, one with the natural food and one with the coloured food. the results were clear. most people in group b, the group who could see what they were eating, said that the blue food tasted different to the normal-coloured food. nobody in group a, the group with the mask, noticed any difference in taste. at the end of the test, there were a few biscuits and there was a little pasta left in group a`s bowls, whereas in group b`s, there was a lot of food left, and most of it was blue.

1. people expect food to have familiar colours: green, red, blue.
a. true b. false

2. when companies add colours to their products, they improve their taste.
a. true b. false

3. blue colour can spoil people’s appetite.
a.true b. false

4. people don’t like blue, purple or black food historically.
a. true b. false

5. in the test, the group with the masks ate normal-coloured food.
a. true b. false

6. the results of the test were very confusing.
a. true b. false
тема “job interview”

1. why would you like to join our company?
2. what are your hobbies?
3. what are your strong points?
4. what is your education?
5. what is your greatest achievement?
6. what software are you familiar with?
7. what are the main responsibilities in your present job?
8. why do you want to leave your present job?
9. are you ready to work overtime?
10. what salary would you like to get?
11. why do you think we should hire you?

a. yes, i can, but not very often. i study at university and it takes a lot of time.
b. i’m a part time student of ural state university of economics. my major is management.
c. your company is well-known in our city. you offer good working conditions and salary.
d. about 30 000 rubles.
e. i think i have good experience and education. i also have good communication skills which is important for this job.
f. i’m not married yet and have no children.
g. when i have free time i like doing sport and travelling.
h. i’m hard-working, responsible and reliable. i’m good at meeting deadlines and can work under pressure.
i. it’s no longer challengeable and there’s no chance of promotion.
j. i have a good knowledge of excel and word, and can prepare good powerpoint presentations.
k. i work on reception, answer the phone, arrange meetings and provide administrative support for the team.
l. i was responsible for the organization of a regional exhibition, which was a great success. everything was on time and there were no complaints from the participants.


все тру

и фолз это должно короче рандом

4,6(30 оценок)
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Что такое дружба? Это радость! Огромная радость от общения! Радость от того, что рядом есть близкий тебе человек, который советом, всегда выслушает и непременно поддержит во всем. Только ему можно полностью довериться. Только от него можно без обиды выслушать критику в свой адрес.Настоящая дружба, как и настоящая любовь, явление достаточно редкое. Но если она все же есть, то надо ее беречь, как зеницу ока. Ведь, теряя друга, мы теряем частицу себя. И всегда надо помнить, что потерять его легко, а вот найти безумно трудно. И чем старше мы становимся, тем труднее.Дружбу надо растить, как хрупкий и нежный цветок. «Поливать» мыслями о друге, «удобрять» достойными поступками.Каким должен быть друг? Верным! Терпеливым! Добрым! Да, именно таким! Ведь он же Друг! Друг пройдет проверку и временем, и обстоятельствами. И с годами настоящая дружба становится только крепче.Дружба не может быть односторонней, иначе никакая это уже не дружба. Все общее, все вместе! Всегда и всюду!Друзей не может быть много, один, быть может, два или три за всю жизнь. А остальные десятки и сотни ‒ это просто приятели, товарищи, знакомые. Да, хорошие, приятные, замечательные, но это не друзья.

4,4(3 оценок)

Rome has over 40 million tourists every year.

The Colosseum (Latin Сolosseum), or the Flavian amphitheater (Latin Amphitheatrum Flavium) is an amphitheater, an architectural monument of Ancient Rome, the most famous and one of the most grandiose structures of the Ancient World that have survived to our time [1]. It is located in Rome, in the lowlands between the Esquiline, Palatine and Celian hills.(theater of death)

The construction of the largest amphitheater of the ancient world, with a capacity of over 50 thousand people, was carried out for eight years as a collective construction of the emperors of the Flavian dynasty. It began to be built in 72 AD. e. under Emperor Vespasian, and in 80 AD. e. the amphitheater was consecrated by the Emperor Titus. The amphitheater is located on the spot where there was a pond that belonged to the Golden House of Nero.The Colosseum had 80 rows of seats and could accommodate up to 50,000 people (according to some sources, up to 60,000 and even 80,000 people). 80 entrances allowed for 10 minutes to fill and empty the Colosseum without crushing and crushing.


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