When Joe and Dan were in a tunnel outside the conversion room they saw a strange machine in front of them. It was a transporter. They tried the transporter and minutes leter Joe and Dan arrived on Earth.They were interested why the guards hadn't tried to stop them.They climbed out of the transporter and met the commander. Joe and Den wanted to talk to the comander but he sent them home. When they looked at his eyes Joe and Dan saw they were of yellow colour.
My favorite vacation spot is the sea, because there is fresh air, the sun that warms and a beautiful view. Most often, when I'm on vacation, I walk around the city, breathe fresh air, admire the views and listen to music. Yes, I’m shooting a video when I’m on vacation, so when I’m sad I could turn on the video from my vacation and remember how I felt good with my parents and friends. After this video, it immediately becomes pleasant in my heart and at the mere thought that it was not long ago becoming pleasant.
перевод текста:
Моё любимое место на отдыхе это море, потому что там свежий воздух, солнце которое греет и прекрасный вид. Чаще всего когда я на отдыхе я хожу по городу, дышу свежим воздухом, любуюсь видами и слушаю музыку. Да, я снимаю видео когда на отдыхе, чтобы когда мне было грустно я могла включить видео с отдыха и вспомнить как мне было хорошо с моими родителями и друзьями. После этого видео сразу на душе становится приятно и от одной мысли, что это было не давно становиться приятно.
Joe and Dan ran to tunnel and they see there a strange machine.
Joe told to Dan that this machine can get them back home but it is risky.
So they try the transporter. Then the boys appeared on Earth. Joe couldn't understand why didn't the guards try to stop them. So they decided to told everything to their comander. The comander said them to go home. He smiled and took of his sunglasses. His eyes were yellow.