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i am personally very interested in a career working with children. my parents think i am a caring person with good communication skills. since my childhood i have wanted to be either a nursery school or primary school teacher. these careers require further study after year 11. so i am taking a levels in english, drama and it* at college. i also take part in the college events —this is something pos-itive that i can write in my cv together with my work experience. i helped in both a nursery and a primary school. i thought it would allow me to develop both my key skills and my personal qualities. i asked the people who i worked with what qualifications they had done. they talked to me about the good aid bad aspects of the job of a teacher and what they liked about it. it is hard work but it allows you to fee] personal achievement, to feel respect, besides the salary is good. i liked to belong to a team and my work helped me to improve my confidence and to get the skills that i need for higher education or employment. now i plan to go on to higher education after college. but if i decide to cliaiige any career in the future, i am certain that neither my skills nor experience will be useless to me.
2 The West End is famous as the centre of the clothing
industry in London.
Вест Энд известен своими знаменитыми музеями, театрами, дворцами и парками. Британский музей - один из самых знаменитых музеев в мире. Он содержит самую важную коллекцию предметов из Греции, Египта, включая известных египетских мумий. В Вест Энде находятся Трафальгарская площадь, цирк Пикадилли и знаменитые магазины на улицах Оксфорд, Риджент и Бонд.
Ист Энд появился в Лондоне в связи с ростом промышленных производств на востоке города и расширением Лондонского порта. Это один из тех районов, куда люди из-за границы приезжают в поисках работы. Ист Энд особенно знаменит в качестве центра швейной промышленности.
Предложение с причастием I - The West End includes Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus and the main shopping areas of Oxford Street, Regent Street and Bond Street. (shopping areas - места оживленной торговли. Здесь причастие служит определением)
1. The Houses of
Parliament, standing on the left bank of the river
Thames, are not very old buildings. (Парламент, стоящий на левом берегу реки Темза - причастие служит определением)
2. Being situated on
the river Thames, London is also a large port. (расположенный на реке Темза - причастие I в страдательном залоге, служит определением)
3. All around London
there are plaques marking houses where famous people lived (По всему Лондону на домах развешены таблички с именами известных людей, которые когда-то там жили - причастие I служит определением)