В: Вам подобається цей письменник?
Б: Я не впевнений. Мені дуже сподобалася одна з її книг, але мені не сподобалася жодна з книг, які вона написала.
2 В: Ви були в будь-якому місті Великобританії, крім Лондона?
Б: Так, коли я відвідав цю країну минулого року, я поїхав до Бірмінгема.
3 В: Ви самі по собі?
Б: Так, але вже в дорозі. Вони незабаром будуть тут.
4 В: Чи велика компанія, в якій ви працюєте?
Б: Він має два основних офіси. офіс знаходиться в Лісабоні, а - у Парижі
5 В: Чи можемо ми прийняти рішення зараз?
Б: Ні, я думаю, ми мали б пізніше обговорити цю тему.
Basketball competitions are judged by two referees. The visiting team has the right to choose the field. Make a field change after each handover.
The game begins with an air shot between one player from each team in the midfield. Players throwing the ball into the air with one hand aims to bring to teammates.
The game consists of four stages of 10 minutes. In the case of unity, the extension phase is played. Each team has the right to take two breaks in the first three rounds and two minutes in the fourth round of 2 minutes in the extension. A 15-minute cycle is given between the second and third stages.
The attacking team has to leave their field in 8 seconds and complete the attack in 24 seconds, otherwise the right to use the ball passes to the opposing team.
The player has a chance to do dribbling, passing and shooting activities together with the ball. If a player stops holding the ball, he will not have a chance to throw the ball again; the ball has to pass or strike in the desired direction and the person.
Each team consists of 5 people and teams have the right to unlimited player changes. If the foul is not paid, each player can re-enter the game. One of the five players in a team is a post, two are defenders and two are forward.
The game is judged by one referee and two assistant referees.
Each player is out of the game with five fouls and can not enter the game for that match again. The total number of fouls made by each player individually determines the team foul. A team that reaches a total of four team fouls then earns the team the right to use a free throw against each foul.
The game continues if the ball returns from the puta or circle unless stopped by the referee. In addition, the game continues even if the player can turn the ball inward, even if the ball goes out of the air line without touching the outside of the game lines, unless the player touches the outside of the lines that define the field.
It stops after each shot or after the referee's whistle and during the game and the game. The game starts again when the eating team puts the ball behind the line behind the basket. According to other situations in the game, the ball is thrown into the game from the places indicated by the referee.
Each successful shot made within three lines is evaluated as three pieces for each successful shot made behind two lines. Successful free throws due to fouls or fouls are counted as one.
Players are penalized in two situations:
Individual rule violations
Activated situations.
Violation or error (wrong move, the ball goes out of line, the attacking player stands in the post for more than three seconds, etc.) gives the opposing team the right to use the ball. Individual fouls (pushing, hitting, etc.) allow the player to receive a foul penalty, as well as the place where the foul is made, the opponent throws the ball from the side or wins the right to shoot freely.
The free throw fee varies depending on the location and type of digital foul. If a shot is fouled during a shot and there are no shots, the team that shoots is given two free throws. If there are shots, a free shot is awarded. If a team has crossed the "foul" limit in a series and fouled outside the shooting range, then it will use the so-called free throwing fee one by one. The rule in this shot is to win the right to make the second shot, even if the first shot is the number of shots. The game continues if the ball returns to the playing field from the basket, which can not make the second shot, which suddenly missed the first shot. In technical fouls (delaying the game, sportsmanship, external conduct, protesting against the referee, entering the game without permission, etc.) two free shots are given.
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