Меня зовут Елена. Я работаю в ресторане в центре города. Мы предлагаем традиционную русскую кухню, поэтому наш ресторан очень популярен среди иностранцев. Он всегда полон, и люди обычно бронируют столики заранее для особого случая или на выходные. Наш ресторан открывается в 10 часов и работает до последнего гостя. У меня перерыв с 3 до 4 часов. но ресторан продолжает работать. Я встаю рано, в 7 часов, и, поскольку я живу далеко от центра, я еду на работу на метро. Так что у меня уходит час. Официанты работают посменно. Утренняя смена начинается в 9. Я обычно работаю по утрам. Мы обслуживаем около 200 блюд в день. К вечеру я обычно очень устал. Поэтому, когда я прихожу домой, я просто расслабляюсь, разговариваю по телефону, делаю работу по дому и ложусь спать в 11 часов.
5. How long does she need to get there?
Lena needs an hour to get to the restaurant
6. Do waiters work in shifts?
Yes, the waiters work in shifts.
7. When does the morning shift begin?
Morning shift starts at 9
8. How many dishes do they serve per day?
They serve 200 meals a day.
9. What does she do in the evening?
Talks on the phone, does housework, relaxes and sleeps.
10. Does she go to bed late?
She goes to bed at 11.
End the dialogue if the answer is given:
• How many rooms are there in the restaurant?
There are 250 rooms.
• Where do the rooms go.?
They go to the channel.
• What cuisine is served to visitors.?
The restaurants serve international and Chinese cuisine.
• Children under what age are free?
Children under 12 years old are free.
• How much will 1 room per person cost?
This is $ 25 per person per night.
How to overcome shyness and uncertainty
Shyness and uncertainty are common feelings in youth. Because not many of them know what they are capable of, some are not popular among peers because they are less communicable and probably do not do well in school. It happens, a child feels shy and uncertain because of being too successful in education; in such a case, they must change the environment because his/her achievements do not fit the ideals of the set community.
In other cases, a child should start a hobby. For example, girls should start singing or dancing. Stage performance helps many people overcome shyness and uncertainty. For example, the British Prince Charles did acting when he was young. This helped him become a better speaker and he started to feel closer to his people.