можно не на английском?
привет Мария,
Как у тебя дела?Я хочу тебе сказать, что я скоро полечу в США. Это будет очень интересно и увлекательно. Мы там будем каждый день ходить по разным историческим местам этой страны. Я там подружить с иностранными детьми и подтенну английский язык. Потом мы полетим в другой город и там будем тоже ходить по музеям и галлереям. Я очень хочу чтобы этот день настал быстрее, так как очень хочу побывать в США. Я надеюсь, что ты за меня рада, жду обратного письма
с любовью,
надеюсь помагла
The Ternopil Region is an administrative territory in Western Ukraine. Its total area is 13 800 km2, and its population is 1 200 000. The region consists of 14 districts, and has 16 cities. The region occupies the western part of the Podolian Upland. It has rich deposits of the mineral building materials: limestone, chalk, clay, and fuel resources, such as brown coal and peat. There are also mineral springs there. The region has a temperate continental climate, with mild winters and warm wet summers. The main rivers are left-bank tributaries of the Dniester — the Zolota Lypa, the Koropets, the Strypa, the Seret, and the Zbruch. There are ponds and reservoirs. The region’s vegetation belongs to the forest-steppe belt. The main industries are food processing, light industry, machine building and also dairy- and beef-cattle raising. Machine building enterprises producing farm machinery are concentrated in Ternopil.
Building materials plants are based on local resources and are located mainly in Ternopil, Berezhany. There are also furniture factories there. On the above-mentioned rivers the power stations are built. The main railroad junctions are Ternopil and Chortkiv. The main highways crossing the region are Vinnytsia—Lviv— Krakovets, Kamianets-Podilskyi— Chortkiv—Ivano-Frankivsk. There is a famous health resort in Zaleshchiky.