Первая книжка, которую я прочла сама, был сборник русских народных сказок. Волшебный мир, где живут Змеи-Горынычи, Василисы Прекрасные и Иваны-царевичи, где звери разговаривают, а в лесу можно увидеть лешего и наткнуться на избушку Бабы-Яги, не мог мне не понравиться. И до сих пор я больше всего люблю сказки, все волшебное и необыкновенное. Лучшая же сказка, как мне кажется, это книга Льюиса Кэрролла «Алиса в Стране Чудес».
Кроме того, мне нравится знакомиться с людьми с книг, перенимать жизненный опыт писателей, их знание людей, которые они вкладывают в свои произведения, видеть далекие времена и страны глазами тех, кто жил в ту эпоху. Ничто не заменить книгу: ни лучшая в мире театральная постановка, ни фильм талантливейшего режиссера.
Our homes today are smarter than they've ever been before, and they're only going to get smarter.With the rise of products from companies like Nest and SmartThings — which make intuitive, web-enabled gadgets that adjust themselves — we're getting closer to a day where our homes do more for us than just give us a place to rest our heads at night.
We've also seen some other elements of the future home take shape, like web-connected TVs, home appliances, and sound systems that you can control from anywhere in your home using a smartphone.
There were about 821 million smart devices sold last year, with 1.2 billion expected to be sold last year, according to Gartner, so there's a huge opportunity to make our everyday objects smarter.
A new non-profit group, the Internet of Things Consortium, recently formed with just that in mind. Its primary goal is to help the makers of Internet-connected products and services collaborate with each other, and further grow the network-connected devices industry.Given the IoTC's commitment to network-connected devices and the number of companies already working on home automation tools, our homes will undoubtedly go through some big changes in the next 10 years.
Tiny sensors, like GreenPeak's ZigBee RF4CE, can be used in things like light switches, doors, windows, thermostats, and fitness devices.
By using these kind of sensors, homeowners could easily monitor and control things like the temperature, doors, TVs, and other appliances.
1. We cleaned the flat last Saturday.
2.Molly didn't speak to her aunt yesterday.
3. Sam had five lessons yesterday.
4. Did you like the film last Sunday.
5. I didn't buy milk yesterday.
6.Did Ann win the competition last month?
7.My mother didn't buy a box of chocolates yesterday.
8. we didn't go to the swimming pool last Friday.
9. did you meet your friend yesterday?
10. my friend had a birthday party last Sunday.
11.did Mike visit his grandparents a week ago?
12. Jane didn't walk her dog in the morning.