Не совсем правильно поняла задание, но надеюсь сделала верно, если нет, то простите!
1) Is the new girl in your class very interesting? Would you like to know her better?
The new girl in you class does not seems very interesting and you would not like to get know her better.
2) Are your palms sweat? Do you blush and look away?
Your palms do not sweat. You do not blush and look away.
3) Does everyone feels uncomfortable when they first meet other peope?
Almost everyone does not feel uncomfortable when they first meet other people.
4) Are they also likely to smile back and help you feel more comfortable about starting a conversation?
They are not very likely to smile backand help you feel comfortable about starting a conversation.
5)Does everybody like to be arond happy people?
Everybody does not like to be around happy people.
Образуйте Причастие II от данных глаголов
to forget, to produce, to send, to keep, to receive, to spend, to devote, to find, to obtain.
forgotten, produced, sent, kept, received, spent, devoted, found, obtained.
и переведите их на русский язык.
забытый, произведённый, посланный, хранимый, полученный, потраченный, преданный, найденный, полученный.