Я купила велосипед.
+ I have bought a bicycle.
- I haven't bought a bycicle.
? Have I bought a bycicle?
Моя мама испекла торт.
+ My mum has baked a cake.
- My mum hasn't baked a cake.
? Has my mum baked a cake?
Она уже закончила домашнюю работу.
+ She has already finished her homework.
- She hasn't finished homework yet.
? Has she finished her homework yet?
Мы уже пошли в школу. Не уверена с переводом, поэтому два варианта глагола (started -- начали ходить в школу/ gone to school -- пошли в школу сейчас):
+ We have already gone to/started the school.
- We haven't gone to/started the school yet.
? Have we gone to/started the school yet?
1 If the taxi doesn't come soon, we might miss the train.
2 I'm really tired so I may not go out tonight.
3 We love skiing so we might go to the Alps for our next holiday
4 Sue hasn't practised much so she might fail her driving test
5 I haven't seen Jim with Ella for a long time. They may not be together any more.
6 If you do lots of housework, your mum might give you some money.
7 A I have a temperature and a headache
B Oh dear, you might have a cold.
8 My parents may not come to the party - they think the'll be on holiday then.
там говорится о том , как города "зарабатывают" на машинах и всячески пытаются уменьшить количество машин