1 peter usually doing home work before dinner. 2 why do you go fast? - i'm afraidto miss the train. usually ileave the houseearly andgoslow. 3 which newthingsstudents learnthis year? 4. why he is so caring? strangely, he . 5. mr. thompson livesin prague now.- what's hedoing there? - he's teaching english.6. todayit is snowing.normally herewinter iswarm,and the snowisrare.7. i can't talk to you. why do you i do? what are with you? (не знаю как тут правильно)you're verypale.howdo you feel? i havea headache. 9.whenthey flyto new york? - next week.10,what are you doing? why doyou putsaltin your coffee? 11.the crisis is now,and prices are risingrapidly.12.how nice smellscoffee! make mea cup, but without thesugar.
1.peterusually doeshomeworkbefore dinner. 2. why are you goingso fast? - i'm afraidto missthe train. usually i'm leaving the house early and going slowly. 3.what newschool subjectsstudents are learningthis year? 4. why he is so caring today? strangely, usually he behaves differently. 5. mr. thompsonnow livesin praga.- what is hedoing there? - he is teaching english. 6. today is snowing.usually here winter iswarm,and it is snowing seldom. 7. i can't talk with you more. why do you , that i do? 8. what is wrong with you? you're verypale. howdo you feel? - i havea strongly headache. 9. whenthey are flyingto new york? - in the next week. what are you doing? why doyou puting saltin the coffee? 11. now is the crisis, and prices are risingfast. 12. how delicious is smelling cofee! make mea cup, only without thesugar.
Похоже да!
В первом я так понял нужно указать вспомогательный глагол это - is, am, are.
Is пишется когда есть местоимения it, he, she.
Are пишется когда есть местоимения They, you, we.
Am пишется когда есть местоимения i.
Во втором всё правильно!
В третьем ты должен (я так понял) составить письмо.
Это легко! Главное знать правила!