He (2) has been a song writer for more than 30 years. In his career he (3) has written more than 300 songs and he (4) has worked with some of the world’s most famous vocalists.
We asked Ned some questions.
Q: ‘People (5) haven't heard your name. Why is that? A: 'I love writing songs, but I (6) have never wanted to be famous. That's the superstar's job ' Q :(7) Have you won any gold discs? A: ' Yes, I have. I've got twenty - but I (8) haven't put them on my office wall'. Q: 'How long (9) have you been married ?' A: 'Suzi and I (10) have lived together since the day we met in a reporting studio twenty years ago . We got married two weeks after we met -and we(11) haven't argued in twenty years.'
1) Does Jake live in Windsor or Winchester? Виндзор и Винчестер — города, поэтому тут подходит глагол live — жить. 2) How often do you watch DVDs. А к DVDs подходит смотреть. 3) How many languages does Amy speak? Languages — языки, поэтому тут говорить. 4) Does Karl lunch at school? To have lunch — устойчивое выражение, обедать. 5) What kind of music does your mum like? К музыке подходит любить. 6) Where do Ellen and Sonia go after school? Тут вопрос where — куда, поэтому подходит глагол идти. Надеюсь
A new wing is being built. The wall are being painted, Some trees are being planted.
The school is changing from a primary to a secondary school
New desks have already been bought