One night Wild Dog decided to go with the cat to the Man`s cave, because there was a sweet smell. But cat answered, that he was a cat, which walked by himself, so the Dog went alone. It asked Woman to give him a bone. Woman agreed, but instead of it the Dog promised her always to help her husband. When the Man saw the Dog, he asked what for was it.The Woman answered, that it became their first friend. Next niht wild horse and wild cow decided to look for the Dog, so they called the Cat with them. The Cat said them the same as he said to the Dog. When theu entered the cave, animals started to ask the Woman to give them some grass, which was smelling sweet. The Woman asked them to work for the Man and to give them milk instead of everyday`s grass. At last, the cat went to the cave and asked the Woman for some milk, she agreed, but instead of it, it had to catch mice in the cave. The cat answered, that he was a cat, which walked alone, and it would come only when it would like to, and it would get milk when it would like,too.
2 What language does Ann learn? Who learns English? 3 Where will she go next summer? When will she go to London? Who will go to London next summer? 4 Where is she going to stay for 2 weeks? Who is going to stay for 2 weeks in London? How long is she going to stay in London? 5 What language would Ann like to speak better? Who would like to speak English better? 6 What languages does Ann want to learn? Who wants to learn two foreign languages? How many languages does Ann want to learn? 7 What language does she speak to her teacher? Who does she speak English to? Who speaks English to her teacher ? 8 What does Ann like? Which films does Ann like? Who likes English films ? 9 Who works hard at English? How does she work at her English? 10 Who does Ann write letters to? What does Ann write to her friends? Who writes English letters to her friends ?
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Тогда мой отец заплачет." и Лили сама начинает плакать.
Мальчики не знают что делать. Они очень злы, но не могут оставить Лили одну.
"Что мы будем делать?" -- спрашивает Хью.
"Мы должны отвезти её домой." -- говорит Джим.
"Пойдём со мной!" -- Сэм тоже сердится.
И так дети пошли домой.
Когда они пришли домой, они увидели маленькую собачку у двери.
"Чья это собака?" -- спрашивает Хью.
"Я не знаю. Это не наша собака." -- говорит Сэм.
"Эта собака кусается?" -- спрашивает Лили.
"Да, собаки не любят плакс, они их всегда кусают." -- говорит Сэм.
"Она не укусит меня." -- говорит Лили. "Я не плакса. Собачка, не кусай меня. Я хорошая девочка. Укуси этих плохих мальчиков."
"Думаешь собака понимает тебя?" -- спрашивает Хью.
"Конечно понимает! Увидите!" -- говорит Лили и пытается открыть дверь.
В ту же минуту собака прыгает и пытается укусить Лили за ногу.
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