Eat at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day. This section should make up just over a third of the food you eat each day.
Fresh, frozen, dried and tinned (in juice or water) all count, as well as unsweetened fruit juices and smoothies (maximum 150ml, once a day). Try to have a variety.
For fresh, frozen or canned fruit and vegetables, a portion is 80g, but a portion of dried fruit is around 30g and only counts once a day. Limit fruit juice and smoothies to 150ml a day because of the sugars in them.
Try to avoid adding rich sauces or butter to your vegetables and sugar or syrups to fruit. Also, make sure tinned fruit and vegetables don’t have added salt and/or sugar.
Read and download our portion guides for fruit and vegetables.
Potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other starchy carbohydrates
Starchy foods should make up just over a third of the food we eat. Choose wholegrain or higher fibre versions of products like breads, rice or pasta and leave skins on potatoes.
‘Other starchy carbohydrates’ means foods such as breakfast cereals, porridge, yams and plantains.
Choose wholegrain versions where possible for more fibre, vitamins and minerals. Higher fibre versions of white bread and pasta can help you to increase your fibre intake, if you use these as a substitute for standard white versions of these foods.
Read and download our portion guide for potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other starchy carbohydrates.
Dairy and alternatives
Choose lower-fat and lower-sugar options where possible.
Milk, cheese, yogurt, fromage frais, quark and non-dairy alternatives are included in this group.
Try swapping whole or semi skimmed milk for 1 per cent fat milk. Low or reduced fat versions of dairy products are widely available, including cheese.
Alternatively, buy standard products in smaller amounts and eat them less often.
If you are using dairy alternatives (such as soya, oat or rice milks), it’s important to choose unsweetened and calcium- fortified versions.
В эти дни люди путишеству очень много. Они путишествуют от дома и до края.Они хотят видеть новые места и встречать новых людей. Иногда они путишествуют по бизнесу, но зачастую они едут в разные места на каникулах( отпуск)
Летом многим людям нравится ездить на море или оставаться около реки или озера. Там они могут с удовольствием по плавать и по загорать под солнцем.
Зимой люди иногда ездят в горы кататься на лыжах.Это всегда хорошо быть в лесу.Леса,озера,моря и горы очень красивые места. Люди часто делают картины( фото) мест, в которых они побывали и показывают их своим друзьям. Когда люди приезжают на место они часто посещают интересные места: старые города,замки,музеи.Люди путишествуют самолётом,поездом,,машиной и морем.. путишествие может быть приятным и не может быть не портным,но это очень интересно
1 There are approximately 7000 cheetahs left in the world. (6,900-7,100)
2 In 1975 there were an estimated 14,000 cheetahs in the wild. (14,000?)
3 Cheetahs have lost more than 90% of the land they live on. (91%)
4 There are now just over 2,000 giant pandas in the world. (2,060)
5 According to a report in 2016, well over 1500 of them live in China, (1,864)
6 There were just under 1,600 in 2003. (1,596)