В английском языке, если мы хотим сказать, что что-то есть (где-то), то используется форма there + глагол to be (is или are зависит от количества предметов).
1)I have known Mrs. Ford since 1994. 2)We have not arrived at the station yet. 3)Who has been to Moscow lately? 4)I will be twelve next year. I am twelve next year оба правильные 5)He is visiting Moscow in a few days. 6)They will not see tomorrow. Они умрут???
7)Where are you going next summer? 8)Every autumn many birds leave for the South. 9)Where are the children?They are working in the garden now.They often help their parents 10)My brother does not work.He is a pupil. 11)They are waiting for the teacher in the classroom. 12)By they way,we do not have any bread at home.
Iwant to tell you about moscow. moscow is the capital of russian federation, one of the biggest cities in european part of russia. i think, the best time for visiting moscow is summer because the weather is very comfortable in summer. you can visit different museums, parks of amusements, exhibitions and also walk the old streets and boulevards. there are many restaurants in moscow. you can find the best variant for you (prices, location, food). i recommend you to visit restaurant of russian food “varenichnaya no 1”. you can stay in hotel or rent a flat in any district of city. you can get to moscow by plane, train, bus, ship or car.
В английском языке, если мы хотим сказать, что что-то есть (где-то), то используется форма there + глагол to be (is или are зависит от количества предметов).