александр сергеевич пушкин родился 6 июня 1799 г. в москве.
его отец, отставной майор сергей львович пушкин, принадлежал к старому, некогда богатому, дворянскому роду, а мать была внучкой ,,арапа петра великого” (позднее – генерала ).
отец и мать, захваченные великосветской жизнью, обращали мало внимания на детей, из которых выросли только трое: старшая дочь ольга, сыновья александр и лев. остальные дети умерли еще в детстве. их воспитанием занимались часто менявшиеся иностранные гувернеры, о которых у а. с. пушкина остались неприятные воспоминания. в детские годы его лучшим другом была няня арина родионовна, неграмотная крепостная крестьянка, песни и сказки которой привили ее воспитаннику любовь к народной поэзии.
anya asked how many children will stay in moscow
the students asked when the winter session would begin.
they said they would do it on time.
he asked if we would have a new year's eve
mom asked what subjects we will teach next year
they asked when i show them the city.
she said she would work at school next year.
he said he was never there
he said he was there last week.
she said she saw them yesterday at the park.
she said she saw them many times.
i said i already called him
i said i called him an hour ago.
mom said she was very busy today
mom said she was visiting yesterday
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But at the majority of pulp and paper mills bark is removed. After barking (in the mechanical process) the grinding stones grind logs in large quantities of water and reduce the logs to fibrous state. The composition of the echanical pulp (groundwood) is practically identical with that of the wood. Groundwood made from fresh wood is of light yellow colour. One disadvantage of groundwood pulping is that the grinding of fibers weakens them. The pulp produced by the mechanical process is inferior to that produced by the chemical process: it is used in making those kinds of paper where the highest quality is not demanded and the price is principal consideration.
Выпишите из него причастия (Participle II) в роли определения:
made, produced
и как часть глагольного времени:
removed, used, demanded