Our Earth, along with the other planets of the solar system formed about 4.54 billion years ago, so its history is not set out in detail in a few words. However, I will try to tell you the most basic and most interesting. We start from a distance. Interstellar Cloud - Nebula - rotates slowly, gradually shrinking, and flattened by gravity (look at the images of galaxies, and you will understand how it happens rotation and compression). Of gas and dust cloud, through this process appears our solar system. This happened about 5 billion years ago. Of course, no one can tell us this, but in our universe all events do have consequences, and it is for this evidence of the last modern scientists can make assumptions about the events of the past
"кул" - [ ku:l ] cool - прохладный "ю" - [ ju: ] you - ты/вы
"суп" - [ su:p ] soup - суп "вью" - [ vju: ] view - вид
"гус" - [ gu:s ] goose - гусь
"сью" - [ sju: ] sue - подавать в суд
"мус" - [ mu:s ] moose - лось "пью" - [ pju: ] pew - церковная скамья
"бум" - [ bu:m ] boom - шумиха "бьюти" - [ bju:ti ] beauty - красота
"стул" - [ stu:l ] stool - табурет
звуки [ u: ], [ ju: ]
[ pu:l ] pool - бассейн [ pju:pl ] pupil - ученик
[ su:n ] soon - скоро [ bju:tiful ] beautiful - красивый
[ klu:] ] clue - ключ к разгадке [ stju:dnt ] student - студент
[ spu:n ] spoon - ложка [ institju:t ] institute - институт
[ sku:l ] school - школа [ ju:z ] use - использовать