1. It is SO clever of you to listen to my story. 2. I’m SO handsome and intelligent. 3. I try to hurry up SO that I won’t be late. 4. I’ve got SUCH a sense of humour and SUCH interesting ideas SO I like to take part in all school events. 5. I ’m SUCH a brilliant dancer and SO superior in every way. 6. I gave him my address SO that he could contact me. 7. It is really SUCH a pleasure to be with me. 8. But I can’t understand why I have SO many troubles with my girlfriends. 9. I am SO sorry to hear that your father is ill. 10. She hasn’t seen him for SO long that she has forgotten what he looks like. 11. He wore glasses and false beard SO nobody would recognize him. 12. They have been married for SO long that nobody could believe.
ответ:My favorite magazine is "Elle girl". This is the most popular magazine among adolescent girls. The 1 magazine comes out once a month. On the cover of the magazine always shine with popular people. In this magazine there are headings: test, horoscopes, polls, health and beauty, fashion and style, Star, relationships, trends. Under the heading "horoscope" horoscope for each sign of the zodiac for a whole month! And under the heading "stars" discusses the different gossip about the stars. I like the topic health and beauty because there tell how to properly care for them. and filed under trends are discussing new trends of the month! reading this column will always be informed about all events!