I would like to describe this picture.
The picture shows a big family.
They are in the living room.
The living room is big.
There are two windows, two pictures,a TV set , a lamp, a fire place, a lot of flowers , three armchairs and a table.
In the foreground we can see a man, I guess, he is a father. He is sitting in the armchair and reading a newspaper.
We can also see a woman who is standing next to the fire place. I guess she is a mother. She is watering a flower.
There is a girl in the picture. I reckon she is a daughter .She is sitting at the table and doing a puzzle.
A boy who is sitting in the armchair is a girl’s brother. He is listening to music and eating an apple.
I like this picture because the atmosphere is great!
at the first picture we can see the railway station.Station is empty, nothing is happening only one boy is standing there.He looks young.He is wearing a jacket and jeans.Picture is in black and white so i cant tell what the weather like , but i guess its cloudy and cold because the boy is wearing jacket.No , i dont like weather at the picture.
Id like to describe the second picrure. It shows us a little boy playing with locomotive. The boy is about 4-5 years old . He looks happy. This boy is at the apartments so we cant know what the weather like.
id like to describe the picture 3. It shows us a boy in the miidle of some river or canal. He is sailing. I dont know how he actually looks like because pucture is blurry but hes wearing jacket and life vest. i think weather is cloudy but not cold.So i like it because i dont ltke when its sunny outside .