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The film begins with a holiday in the magic world - they celebrate the death of Lord Voldemort, a powerful dark wizard. After the murder of Lily and James Potter, Voldemort attempted to kill their baby Harry Potter, who was only a year old, but the curse ricocheted and it didn't kill the boy, but it killed Voldemort himself. Harry got a long scar in the form of lightning on his forehead. Professor Dumbledore and his friends put Harry on his aunt and uncle's doorstep. The Dursleys family didn't like Harry or anything that dealt with magic. Their son, Dudley was making fun of Harry. In addition, they hid from the boy his origin and didn't tell him that he was a wizard. They told him that his parents died in a car accident. All 10 years Harry lived in the closet under the stairs, not knowing the truth.
On his 11th birthday Harry received a letter. But the family took away his letter, and did not give it to him to read. Harry decided to run away. Dudley goes with him. They get to the hut, which stands on a desert island. At midnight, when Harry turns 11 years old, Hagrid appears in their hut, and he gives a letter to Harry Potter, which says that Harry Potter is accepted to the school of Magic - Hogwarts. At school, Harry finds new friends-Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom.
At Hogwarts.
At Hogwarts Harry learns about the Magic world.
He, his new friends and his enemies - Malfoy Draco and his comrades - want to know where the philosopher's stone is stored at Hogwarts - a stone that can make gold and can make its owner immortal. It turns out that Professor Dumbledore hid the stone at Hogwarts when he found out that someone wanted to steal it. Harry and his friends believe that Professor Snape wants to take this stone - but in the end Harry realizes they are mistaken. He meets their teacher Squirell in the pantry of the stones. Squirell tried to kill Harry, but he didn't manage to do it, because after he touched Harry Potter - his body destroyed and the soul of Lord Voldemort came out of it. It turned out that Lord Voldemort's soul was parasitizing on Squirell's body. Voldemort was alive and it was he who wanted to steal the Stone to regain his flesh back.
The End
Dumbledore tells Harry that he destroyed the stone so Voldemort wouldn't grab it now. Then Dumbledore tells Potter why Squirell could not kill him. It appeared that Harry was a security guard of ancient magic - the magic of love, which his mother left him.
Harry asks Dumbledore why Voldemort wants to kill him. But Dumbledore says he can't tell the truth until he becomes older.
Before leaving on holiday, to the Dursleys, Harry receives a gift from Hagrid - a photo album with photographies of his parents.
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