1 . you could took your exam in english you can will take your exam in english 2. she could translated this article without a dictionary she can will translated this artcile withou a dictionary 3. it was quite clear to everybody in the family that he must started getting ready for his exam instead of washing time it will be quite clear to everybody in the family that he will be must start getting ready for his exam instead of washing time
4. it was impossible to do anything in such a short time . i must asked the chief to pit up my report . i will be impossible to did anything in such a short time . I will be must asked the chief to pit up my report .
In my home town there are a lot of ecological problems. The people have many cars so the air in the area is quite polluted. There is a small river in town and some people take water from this river to wash their cars. So they return dirty water to the river. That is why the river is not safe to swim in. Also there are not enough rubbish containers in our town. That is why a lot of rubbish can be found in the streets and in the parks. Some people also throw rubbish where they want. We also have a factory near our town. The factory has big pipes from which dark clouds come. I think they also make air worse in my town. In addition to all this I think we have too few parks and green lawns. To make things worse, some people cut trees to make fires when they cook food in the open air.
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