1. Give it to her, please.
2. Can you help me, please?
3. it's for you.
4. Let's buy it...
5. and give them to Kanat.
Местоимения в английском языке:
Личные - I – я you – ты, вы he – он she – он it – оно we – мы they – они me – я, мне him – он her – она us – мы, нас them – они
Притяжательные - my – мой, моя your – твой, ваш his – его her – ее its – его, ее, свой our – наш their – их mine – мой yours – твой hers – ее ours – наш theirs – их
Возвратные - myself – себя, себе yourself – себя himself – себя, сам herself – себя, сама itself – себя, сам, сама, само ourselves – себе, себя, собой yourselves – себя themselves – себя, себе, сами
и др.
My name is Alexander Ivanov. I am from Russia. I would like to apply to the engineering course of your university. I have recently graduated from highschool and at present I am considering on my further education. I have grades over 90% in all my exams and I can speak English fluently. I have also been nominated for several awards and scholarships at my highschool such as: "Top Athlete", "Top student". I am very excited to enter your university and I wish to get further education at the engineering department. I have heard a lot about your university and I am trully looking forward to your response and further instructions.
Thank you for your attention.
Alexander Ivanov