In my family holidays play an important role. Starting from the New Year and ending with birthdays and anniversaries, we gather together for a festive table and having a good time. Of all the holidays that we celebrate my family, I love New year. New year celebration is a tradition in our family. These fine nights, I remember from early childhood. It all starts long before the new year. In early December we decorate the house and 12-15 numbers put the Christmas tree. This is one of my most favorite activities. On new year's eve my sister and help her mother in cleaning the house, prigotovit salads, making gifts. In the evening, we gather for a festive table and bid farewell to the old year. These new year watch we're talking, watching Christmas movies. At midnight, when sounding chimes, we make a wish and congratulate each other. Then we have a little sit down at the Desk and go out into the street. There we let the fireworks, sliding down the hill, playing in the snow, or just walking. I liked the last new year, when we 2am came close people, friends and together we celebrate this wonderful holiday. We then stayed up all night, and only in the morning fell asleep. The next day we visited relatives and celebrated the new year there. I love the new year, and this year I have very big plans for him. I hope that everything will work out and this new year I will remember as the best holiday in my family.
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