2) Goldilocks
A The three bears lived in a big house in the forest. Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear and Baby Bear liked porridge. They eat porridge in the morning. Today the porridge is too hot.
3) Mowgli
B People live in cities and villages. But that boy did not live in a house.
He lived in the jungle. He did not live with his parents. In the jungle his
father was a wolf. His mother Ruksha, was a wolf too. Little wolves were his
brothers. He liked playing with them
4) Snow Queen
С There was a girl. She wanted to find her best friend Kai. Her favourite flower was a rose. She and Kai liked roses.
An old woman lived in a garden. She liked the girl. The old woman
had a magic wand. In her garden there was always summer.
1) Thumbelina
Once there lived a girl. She was very small. She lived on a flower.
She and her mother lived in a big house. Then frogs took her to the
river. A swallow helped her to go to a warmer country
Hello (имя друга)! My name is (имя). l want to tell you about the doctor.
A doctor is not a profession, but a way of life." Each person should choose the profession that corresponds to his natural abilities and inclinations, then he will work, as they say, not for fear, but for conscience. A person gives all his strength, all his energy, all his knowledge to his favorite work, and then this work will be performed better, the return will be greater. Of course, all professions are needed, they should be evenly and expediently distributed in society. But every doctor, every teacher, turner, carpenter must have a cultural outlook.
(если не понятно что написано и сложные слова перевиди в переводчике . УДАЧИ)))