Part II.
Read attentively and match the titles to the texts. One lille is extra.
A History Around You
B Unusual Architecture
C. Great Fountains
D. The City of Music
E. For lovers of Festivals
1. Vienna is Austria's political, financial and administrative capital. It is a city rich in architectural and
musical heritage. The city is rich in treasures to discover, including fine galleries, theatres and palaces. The
Viennese are known for their wonderful taste in music. Mozart and Straus lived and played their music
there. A day excursion will give you a good impression.
2. Edinburgh is a very beautiful and old city. It is situated in eastern Scotland, Edinburgh has much to offer
including fine art galleries, museums, theatres and a year-round calendar of international festivals such as
the famous Edinburgh International Festival. Most tourists come to Edinburgh between July and September
for the Hogmanay Festival.
Barcelona is on the Mediterranean Sea in Northeast Spain. It attracts many tourists. One of the reasons for
this is its magnificent architecture. Tourists can enjoy the eccentric works of Antony Gaudi, a famous
architect, as well as Gothic buildings. There are some excellent museums. It combines its rich and ancient
past and presence
Rome is situated on the River Timber. It is known as the "Eternal City". History surrounds you the minute
you come to Rome. It is an open-air museum. Rome has much to offer. There are four hundred churches,
magnificent basilicas, ancient ruins, beautiful fountains. The city attracts a lot of tourists.
1. Sally was eating dinner last night when someone knocked on the door.
2. At 6:00 p.m., Bob sat down at the table and began to eat. At 6:05 Bob was eating dinner. While Bob was eating dinner, Ann came through the door. Bob went to bed at 10:30. At 11:00 Bob was sleeping. While Bob was sleeping, the phone rang.
3. My roommate's parents called him last night while we were watching TV. 4. I called Paul at 7:00 but it wasn't necessary because he already got up.
5. I began to study at seven last night. Fred came at seven-thirty. I was study when Fred came.
6. My mother called me around five. My husband came home a little after that. When he came home, I was talking to my mother on the phone.
7. While I was studying last night, Fred dropped by to visit me. 8. As I was crossing the road I stepped on a banana skin and fell heavily.